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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is an evidence-based, non-invasive, hands-on healthcare discipline. Chiropractic focuses on the musculoskeletal system, which is made up of the bones, muscles, tendons, and joints that provide form, support, and stability to the body. Chiropractors mainly use their hands to manipulate joints, but other instruments may be used if the patient prefers it or if it is necessary. Chiropractic can provide diagnosis, treatment, and preventive care for disorders related to the spine, pelvis, nervous system, and joints.

For many conditions, such as low back pain, chiropractic care is the primary method of treatment. Chiropractic can be combined with other treatments such as massage, physiotherapy, or naturopathy, and a chiropractor can coordinate with other healthcare professionals. Chiropractic can help alleviate symptoms of other conditions by relieving joint pain and other symptoms associated with the condition. Chiropractic can also be used to provide relief from symptoms of chronic conditions.

There are many reasons to seek chiropractic care:

Frequently Asked Questions

What will my first appointment be like?

Your first appointment will take about 45 minutes. You will be asked to fill out an intake form before you come in so that your visit can be focused on your concerns. When you come in, Dr. Petch will perform a detailed case history and physical exam to determine what the best course of treatment is for you. Dr. Petch will recommend treatment specific to you that may also include mobilization of the joints, soft tissue therapy, and therapeutic exercises. She may also provide nutritional counselling, and recommend rehabilitation and injury prevention strategies. Dr. Petch will discuss any treatment options with you so that you can collaboratively decide on the best course of action for you.

If Dr. Petch diagnoses a condition more appropriately treated by another health care professional, she will make a referral.

Do I need to have X-rays done?

After performing your exam, Dr. Petch will determine if X-rays are necessary. Not all patients need X-rays. If you have recent X-rays from another doctor, please bring them with you so that Dr. Petch can see them.

Will I receive treatment on my first visit?

Dr. Petch will offer treatment on the first visit for most patients. However, if further studies such as X-rays are needed, or if she determines that chiropractic is not the best treatment for your condition, she may not be able to treat on the first visit.

How long are follow up appointments?

Other than your first visit, most appointments will be scheduled for 15 minutes.

What if I have an emergency and require care outside of normal office hours?

If your concern is a general medical emergency, please dial 911. Dr. Petch attempts to be available outside of normal office hours for emergency chiropractic care. There is an option when you call into the office to be forwarded in the case of an emergency. Every attempt will be made to accommodate patients in the case of an emergency.

Can I book online?

Yes, you can book online. There is a link to our online booking site here.

Can I bring children to my appointment?

Absolutely! Children are always welcome in our office.

I had my first visit yesterday and I'm sore today. Is that normal?

Some patients may feel sore after an adjustment, but this is completely normal. Typically this is an achiness similar to what you may feel after a workout. Any other pain should be reported to Dr. Petch. If you have any concerns, please contact Dr. Petch directly.